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Post types


Property data is sourced from AgentBox for displaying listings. Each property has it's own page. See importing properties for more information.


Staff posts provide data for staff profile pages, as well as linking agents to property listings.


Staff are treated as agents if they have a Staff role taxonomy term of Sales or Property Management. Agent profiles should include display of their properties.

It is important that new agents have their profiles published before their property listings are imported. This is because without the agent data, the property page cannot link to their contact information. The post slug needs to match the agent's username in Agentbox, which should be in format of [first name]-[last name], for example oren-kemich.

You may notice there is WP All Import Pro setup ACF-Staff. This was used to automate the initial content entry for agents by scraping data from property listings. It is no longer used.


Contact details for Klemich offices. This data is used to display office contact information on the contact page. This may seem over the top, but there used to be a second Klemich office in Henley Beach. My idea was to future-proof the contact page management incase they were to open a third office. This management system now seems unnecessary for only one office.


Can be added by providing a quote and name of source (as title). Testimonials will be randomly selected to display on Random testimonial Flexible blocks.


Standard WordPress users. Klemich staff website administrators should use the role Klemich admin to restrict access to certain parts of the admin panel.


Pages can be built using the Advanced Custom Field Flexible blocks. This provides a limited set of options for content building blocks.